
prof. dr hab. Fritz Konig





Fritz H. Koenig, PhD, currently professor at Krosno State College, teaching courses in British and German literature, as well as Hispanic Culture and Civilization and the Holocaust. Studied at Heidelberg, Kiel and Bristol universities, undergraduate degree from the University of Oslo, Norway. By training a medievalist, with extensive studies in medieval Scandinavian, English and German philology, graduate studies at the university of Iowa, MA and PhD degrees in Comparative Literature. From 1967 to 1992 employed by the University of Northern Iowa where he served as Professor of European Literatures and Humanities and as Head of the Modern Language Department (1975 to 1991). He was also director of the graduate summer program for teachers of German from 1972 to 2004 at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. In the late 1960s and early 1970s he was in the administrative team led by Director Paul Engle in the International Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa where he honed his skills as a literary critic and met writers like Kurt Vonnegut and John Irving. During the 1970’s and 1980’s his major research area was the literature of the GDR and on a university grant he was able to invite numerous GDR writers to the campus of the University of Northern Iowa. From the 1970s until his retirement, he was guest professor in Spain (University of Salamanca), Russia (Herzen University, St.Petersburg), China (Nei Mongol Institute of Technology, Hohhot) and Guatemala (University of San Carlos). After his retirement from the University of Northern Iowa he became a Fulbright Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His multiple publications include more than 200 articles in scholarly journals, 7 volumes of original poetry, 4 volumes of poetry in translation. Editorship or co-editorship of 7 international journals and a variety of other scholarly books. Current research interest: theories of Postmodernism. Languages: speaking, reading, and writing: English, German, French, Spanish, and Norwegian. Languages reading only: Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, Dutch, Portuguese, and Latin. Professor Koenig has also received the Grand Order of Merit, State of Carinthia, Austria; Honorary Citizenship, City of Klagenfurt, Austria; as well as Honorary Professorships at the New Mongol Institute of Technology and Heilongjiang University, China.

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