
mgr Jack Lala III





Jack Lala, III is at present a lecturer in the English Department of Krosno State College, having been employed there since October 2002. Prior to this, Mr. Lala has taught at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (1998-2002), and St. Edward’s University (1988-1994), Austin, Texas. He also has taught at Jan Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia and Presov University, Presov, Slovakia. He coached baseball at St. Edward’s University, (1988 to 1994). Mr. Lala was born in Tampa, Florida in 1951, and grew up in Austin, Texas. He has a B.A. in American History (1990) from the University of Texas at Austin, an M.A. in American History (1994) from Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas (then Southwest Texas State University), and did doctoral studies in American History at Texas A&M University, College Station (finishing a.b.D. in 2002). He is a life member of the Ex-Student’s Association of the University of Texas, The Popular Culture Association, and contributor to The Handbook of Texas, published by the Texas State Historical Society. In September 2011, he was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit by the President of Poland, the highest honor awarded to a non-Polish person for his contributions to the relationship between Poland and the United States. He now resides in Krosno, Poland

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