
mgr Anna Wyrwa



Graduate of the Jagiellonian University. Lecturerat Department of English at Krosno State College, where she teaches translation, translation theory, sociolinguistics, contrastive grammar and practical English courses. In 2011-2015 head of Translation Department at Krosno State College.Translator. Translated for Henkel company and publishing houses: Rafael, Kluszczyński, Tertium, PWSZ in Krosno, UMCS in Lublin. Her academic interests include: relations between language and culture in the context of cognitive linguistics and ethnolinguistics as well as translation studies. She has authored several articles on the lingua-cultural confrontation in the process of translation of political andhumorous texts. Participated in numerous national and international conferences. Guest lectured at theUniversity of Valladolid in Spain and University of Minho in Portugal. Participated in English for V4 Countries Heritage Presentation Projectfinanced by the International VisegradFundand Slovakian Ministry of Culture. As part of the project students of Krosno State College translated into English texts for the exhibition "History of Craft in the South East of Poland" at the Museum of Crafts in Krosno and the website of the Subcarpathian Museum in Krosno. She conducted a workshop on takingnotes in consecutive interpretingduring a TEPIS seminar for certified translators. The workshop was based on Andrew Gillies’s Note-taking for Consecutive Interpreting – A Short Course, which she translated into Polish (the Polish translation Sztuka notowania. Poradnik dla tłumaczy konferencyjnych was published by KrakówTertium Society). In 2014 she began doctoral studies in linguistics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Currently preparing adoctoral dissertation on linguistic worldviews in the translationof EU parliamentary debate.

Zakupu oprogramowania dokonano w ramach projektu “Budowa szerokopasmowej regionalnej sieci internetowej w Krośnie i w powiecie krośnieńskim współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego"
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