
dr Władysław Chłopicki






Linguist. Senior Lecturer, Head of Department of English at Krosno State College. Senior Lecturer at Department of English Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. As a student he was awarded scholarships in the US, where he received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts (Purdue University), and later in the UK, Germany and Denmark. He defended his MA and PhD dissertations at the Jagiellonian University. He authored e.g. the Polish language monograph on humour research (O humorzepoważnie) and co-edited numerous monographs e.g. Polish Humour, Cognition in Language or Culture’s Software: Communication Styles. His academic interests include interdisciplinary humour research in the context of cultural studies, cognitive linguistics, linguistic pragmatics and narratology as well as translation studies and business communication.  Member of International Society for Humor Studies (in 2006-2009 Executive Board member of ISHS) and Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association. Chair of the Executive Board of Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies. Member of editorial boards of international journals and co-editor of European Journal of Humour Research and Tertium Linguistic Journal. Guest lectured e.g. in Germany, Portugal, Northern Ireland, Estonia, Romania and Taiwan. Participant in international research grants, e.g. a Visegrad  grant and two Polish-Estonian grants. Participant and/or organizer of very numerous international and domestic scholarly conferences, e.g. co-organizer of a series of bi-annual national conferences entitled Language of the Third Millennium (Języktrzeciegotysiąclecia) since 2000 and co-editor of publications in the Language and Communication ( Język a komunikacja) series. Co-organizer of Across Borders conferences, which take part biannually in Krosno and in partner universities in Central Europe. Awarded a silver Cross of Merit and a silver medal for a long-time public service by the President of Poland.  In Krosno State College, he teaches linguistic subjects, esp. pragmatics, translation, business communication, practical  English courses as well as linguistic and translation seminars. 

Zakupu oprogramowania dokonano w ramach projektu “Budowa szerokopasmowej regionalnej sieci internetowej w Krośnie i w powiecie krośnieńskim współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego"
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