
dr Krzysztof Kasprzyk




Senior lecturer at Department of English Philology in Krosno State College. He was awarded scholarships in the US as well as in the UK and in Germany. He defended his MA at the Jagiellonian University and another MA at University of Wrocław, where he also defended his PhD. His academic interests include ELT methodology, legal English, and translations.  Author of numerous publications in domestic and foreign periodicals. Perticipant of domestic and international scholarly conferences, seminars and in-service trainings in the UK, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Spain. Former director of  Language Teacher Training College in Krosno and inspector of English and German at the Educational Superintendent's Office in Krosno as well as methodologist at Teacher Training Centre in Rzeszów. Sworn translator of English and German. Member of Examination Board of English and German at the Marshal's Office in Rzeszów. Awarded a Medal of the National Education Comission. In Krosno State College he teaches practical English courses as well as methodological seminars.


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