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Third International Communication Styles Conference, Krosno

The Communication Styles conference is the third in the series with the first one held in 2013 and the second in 2015. Both of the conferences were followed by academic publications: a collection of articles entitled Culture’s Software: Communication Styles appeared with Cambridge Scholars publishing house in 2015 and a good selection of papers has been accepted for publication in the Styles of Communication journal in 2017. więcej

A Graduate of our Department in the BBC News

Anna Maria Bąk, who studied at the Department of English from 2008 to 2011, więcej

Spanish students in the Secondary School in Rymanów

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 our Spanish students –María Jesús González Sánchez and Elena Alvarez, więcej

Christmas Party 2016

Students of English and Translation Studies have prepared the traditional Christmas Party this year too. więcej

Foreign Languages Day at Szczepanik High School

On Friday 9 December 2016, a Foreign Languages Day took place at Jan Szczepanik High School in Krosno already for the third time. Our students of English as well as international students took part in it again following last year's success. więcej

Across Borders: Cultures in dialogue in Tartu, Estonia, April 27-29, 2017

The 7th international Across Borders conference organisers would like to invite all scholars in humanities, esp. literature, linguistics, communication, folkloristics, media, cultural studies, humour studies, translation and interpreting, teaching methodology, to a discussion on the broad subject of cultural neighbourhood and intercultural encounters within it więcej

Christmas Party 2015

Please join us for the Annual Christmas Party on Tuesday 15th December at 1 pm. więcej
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