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About us



1. About us

2. Level of education and awarded degree

3. Specializations to choose from:

    (i)   language and culture 

    (ii)  teaching specialization

    (iii) English and Spanish  

4. Educational profile

5. Form of study

6. Current plan of study


1. About us

Our programme in ENGLISH PHILOLOGY offers its graduates an opportunity to gain fluent command of English at the level of C1 (all specializations), in accordance with the requirements of Common European Framework for Reference in Languages, and (only in the case of the English and Spanish specialization) the ability to communicate in Spanish at the level of B1. Our interdisciplinary programme in humanities as well as social sciences have been adjusted to the requirements of the National Qualification Framework (KRK) and the Polish law on higher education.

The Department of English employs excellent faculty and staff knowing their area of expertise very well, which guarantees a high level of teaching in the fields of language, culture and literature of English-speaking countries. Our classes, including online sessions, are conducted by experienced Polish and foreign lecturers, who follow contemporary international standards and employ diverse methods and techniques of teaching. The additional elements enriching our offer are the following, — extensive cooperation with renowned universities in Poland and abroad, — active participation in the European Programme of Student Exchange ERASMUS, — video-conferencing courses with foreign universities in co-operation with East Carolina University (USA) and — e-learning courses run together with Centro Específico de Educación a Distancia from Valencia (Spain).

We have at our disposal the language, interpretation and computer laboratories as well as a modern library and reading room equipped with a large collection of books and journals.

Apart from offering students easy access to various sources of knowledge, ENGLISH PHILOLOGY prepares them to live in an open, European civil society based on the rules of tolerance, respect for law and attachment to basic humanistic values as well as teaches them respect for other cultures.

2. Level of education and awarded degree

Our programme of ENGLISH PHILOLOGY lasts six terms and on its completion, students who have passed all the required examinations are awarded a Bachelor’s degree.   

3. Specializations to choose from 

Students of years 2 and 3 have a choice of elective courses allowing them to shape their course of study according to their own interests. Having met certain criteria it is also possible to apply for an individual course of study which allows students to best develop their own interests, skills and competencies. In the course of study a student’s initiative and voluntary work is appreciated and acknowledged.

(i)  language and culture: this specialization prepares students for work in different sectors of the economy and services, especially in foreign companies operating in Poland,  and equips them with basic orientation in the internatonal business environment and high fluency in English for Business, combined with a variety of cultural courses.

(ii) teaching specialization, apart from a broad knowledge of English linguistics and literature, it offers students teaching qualifications, enabling them to work as teachers of English in kindergartens and primary schools.

(iii) English and Spanish:  this specialization adds to the programme of English Philology the ability to communicate in Spanish, which after English, Chinese and Arabic is the fourth most often used language in the world. The syllabus puts an emphasis on the relations between the two languages, both in the historical sense and in contemporary global communication.

4. Educational profile

Our programme of English Philology is practical in nature and hence its graduates can find jobs on the labour market. Apart from that, the internship offered in the course of study and collaboration with local schools and companies increase their chances of getting jobs in the region. The graduates of the teaching specialization can seek employment in primary schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions whereas the graduates of language and culture as well as English and Spanish specializations are often employed by cultural, social or community institutions, not to mention companies sustaining international contacts. As many students have a unique opportunity to realize their internship abroad (within the Erasmus Programme), experience, knowledge and abilities acquired during such stays are an additional advantage. It is also important to remember that voluntary work and participating in internships help develop professional and pro-social attitudes essential for active participation in public life and support self-development. Thanks to this educational profile, graduates of English Philology are prepared to independently develop their skills and broaden their knowledge, which will undoubtedly allow them to enroll for a Master’s Programme should they wish to do so in the future. It will also enable them to adapt successfully to the ever-changing job market. 

5. Form of study

We offer a free full-time programme as well as a programme for students over the age of 26 where the e-learning platform is in greater use, and students meet their teachers at least three times a week in the afternoon as well as on selected Saturdays..

In addition, the Department of English has a fee-paying part-time programme with classes being  held at weekends (it has been recently suspended due to low student numbers).

 6. Current plan of study


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