Krośnieńska Akademia Młodych zaprasza 26 listopada br. na kolejny wykład z cyklu Kultura angloamerykańska z perspektywy Rynku w Krośnie. Wykład pt. The Migration of the Blues wygłosi Jack Lala, Amerykanin od lat mieszkający w Krośnie i na stałe związany z naszą Uczelnią.
Wszytkich chętnych zapraszamy na godzinę 16.30 do sali 202 w bibliotece PWSZ przy Rynku 1 w Krośnie.
My talk is about the migration of the blues from the Mississippi delta to Memphis and Chicago and then the world. I will discuss old bluesmen and women like Robert Johnson, Leadbelly, Muddy Waters and more, as well as blues influence on rock 'n roll and beyond. I will also talk about the parallels with American folk music. I approach this as fun lecture really, as much as academic. Had to laugh as the caricature they used for the signs was of Louie Armstrong the famed jazzman, not exactly a bluesman, but still a marvel …
(Jack Lala)
Robert Johnson (1911-1938) Bessie Smith (1894-1937), the Empress of the Blues
Robert Johnson "Love in Vain"
And I followed her to the station, with her suitcase in my hand,
And I followed her to the station, with her suitcase in my hand.
Well, it's hard to tell, it's hard to tell, when all your love's in vain,
All my love's in vain.
When the train rolled up to the station, I looked her in the eye,
When the train rolled up to the station, and I looked her in the eye.
Well, I was lonesome, I felt so lonesome, and I could not help but cry.
All my love's in vain.
When the train, it left the station, there was two lights on behind,
When the train, it left the station, there was two lights on behind,
Well, the blue light was my baby, and the red light was my mind.
All my love's in vain.
Uumh, Willie Mae, Uumh, Willie Mae, Uumh uumh,, all my love's in vain.