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Our graduates

Katarzyna Kudrys


Welcome all of you who are thinking about studying in Krosno. I strongly recommend it. The standard of teaching is impressively high, the town is enchanting and people very friendly. At which other school the examination board would wait until 6 p.m. for a girl from Silesia to let her take her oral entrance exam (which was obligatory in my time). In Krosno they gave me a chance. All the examination board stayed longer specially for me, for which, once again, let me thank you very much. Apart from studying, there are many other things you can do in Krosno, e.g. take part in sports activities (in my case it was volleyball) and do training sessions in the evening, go to the swimming pool or skating rink in winter or attend dance classes at the Theatre of Contemporary Dance (if it still exists).

I have very good memories of the time I spent in Krosno and the knowledge I gained at the college allowed me to do a full-time post-graduate course for my master's degree at the University of Silesia. Already in my first year I started to work as a teacher of English at the Speak Up and Empik schools of English, where I still work. (Kaśka Kudrys, Class 2005)

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