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A visit of a student from Portugal in the school complex no.4 in Krosno


On Friday, 15 December 2017, the student from Portugal, AnaCatarina BarrosPereira who is staying in our Department as part of the Erasmus + program, visited the School Complex no 4 in Krosno. She conducted a workshop for the seventh-class students, who follow a bilingual course of study. She brought her country closer to the participants, by showing colourful slides, video clips and giving them a quiz on Portugal. The lesson gave the students an opportunity to become familiar with the interesting culture of a distant European country. The visit was organized and coordinated by Dr Agnieszka Habrat, as part of the promotion of the faculty and the College, in collaboration with Dorota Łopuszańska-Patrylak and Matylda Dziedzic from the School Complex no 4.


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