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Our first week in China



On October 22, 2017 we arrived in China. We were picked up from the airport by the students who in May this year had visited Poland. We have been accommodated in the boarding school of the Hangzhou ENTEL Foreign Language School.

The afternoon we spent in a shopping mall, where we had our first Chinese meal.

The next day started with the flag rising ceremony, when we introduced ourselves to the school community. Then we went to an official meeting with school principal and our mentors, where we  received our schedule. That day was the beginning of our internship.

On Tuesday Dr. Christopher Brighton gave a lecture about Intercultural communication.

On Wednesday we went to the farm with students, where we were able to harvest some cornfield and sweet potatoes. After work we prepared our lunch together. It was a great opportunity to make new friends.

The whole week we have been doing our internship.

Thanks to the students’ hospitality we had an opportunity to spend the weekend in a traditional Chinese family. Each of us spent that time at a different home so that we could exchange our impressions. We have been sightseeing, tasting new flavors, and also spent our time on the West Lake, where we were boating and taking the views.

Every day of our internship in the Hangzhou ENTEL Foreign Language School is an amazing and precious experience. We are highly committed to participate in our classes and impatiently wait for each new day.

See more pictures here:,205,pierwszy-tydzien-w-chinach.html

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