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"The Dutch Connection"


“The  Dutch Connection” , established by dr Chris Brighton, resulted in a visit of a group of students from the university of HAN in Arnhem,  the Netherlands, between 22nd and 25th May. The Dutch students and  two teachers spent their time in Krosno visiting local schools, participating in some of the classes given by our staff  as well as integrating with our students on a more informal basis. At the end of the visit they attended a lecture delivered by prof. Fritz Konig on the Holocaust and dr Bogdan Wolski on the Polish system of education. After their stay in Krosno,  the Dutch students planned to visit Auschwitz and spend a day in Cracow.

Many  thanks are due to our  students,  who did a great job looking after their Dutch  colleagues, showing them Krosno and being great ambassadors for our college and department. Without their help, work and time, the visit  would not have been as successful as it was. 

Piotr Dziok (year I)

Natalia Nóżka (year I)

Marlena Wisniowska (year I)

Anna Więch (year I)

Jakub Giera  (year II)

Beata Baranska (year II)

Special thanks for  an amazing song night to:

Iga Kraska (year II)

Justyna Mularska (year II)

Beata Piwowar(year II)


Sylwia Belch (year III) – official group photographer



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