
Foreign students news

Ski tours


Krosno State College have new Ski Section under patronate of our AZS. In this section there are two types of trainings: recreation and sport.
Classes are for gruops of 3-8 people adjusted to age and skills of participants. Instructors are graduates of AWF with certificates of SITN-PZN (Polish ski instructors society),ISIA, MENiS with big experience in work with both kids and adults.

There is organised transport for participants from Krosno to classes place.
Please find below tranlated part for recreation group, if anyone is interested for sport group, please let me know, I'll translate this part also.

Recreation group:
Classes are four times in month (Saturday or Sunday, terms are announced for whole month)
Learning and advancement of skiing techniques for all levels, from first steps to parrarel and sports skiing.
Weekends - Saturday or Sunday
Duaration of classes:
4 Hours
- Beginners
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Place is determined before, depending on wather conditions.
As a organised group you will use discount passes (20-25zł/4h). This is cost that you are covering.
- Chyrowa
- Puławy
- Gromadzyń, Ustrzyki Dolne


One time payment for season (AZS cards with insurance, more in legitymacje AZS)
Monthly payment for classes is 160zł (payment includes costs of instructors for 4 classes) and is required to be prepaid for each month before 10th of that month.
Transport costs and ski lifts will be each time determined by place of classes.
In case of absence, payments will be determined individually with Section Coordinator

For detailed information use this contacts:
Grzesiek 602355208
Maciek 880853532
E-mail (in topic please write: sekcja narciarska)

Facebook: sekcja narciarska azs pwsz krosno

If you want to take part in this section classes plesae download proper form from webpege and send it to email address provided 2 lines above.



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