ISSN 2450-4963
The submitted articles are reviewed. The reviewer’s evaluation is the basis for the decision whether to accept the text for publication. Therefore, the articles must meet the requirements for the new works. The editor reserves the right to introduce changes in the texts and send them to the authors for acceptance. Please submit your articles electronically:
The volume of publication, taking into account the editorial requirements, should be maximum 12 pages including drawings and tables. Font to be used is Times New Roman, 12; spacing 1.5, with Before and After Spacing option for paragraphs set to 0. Each paragraph should start with a first line indent 1.25 or one blank line spacing. All margins are standard -2.5 cm.
The abstract in English should include the title, purpose of the work, the main thesis and the methods which were used. The font in the abstract: Times New Roman, 10, justified, 1.5 spacing.
References to the literature should follow the formula in the References section.
Tables with titles and drawings with captions should be submitted in a separate file. They can be additionally inserted in the article or only the suggested place of placement should be indicated.
Technical requirements and layout of publication
Title: in Polish, below in English (Times New Roman, 14, in bold, centered)
Name and surname of the author/authors (Times New Roman, 12, centered).
Affiliation with postal address, full institution name, e-mail address. (Times New Roman, 12, left-aligned text)
Abstract in Polish and in English (100-200 words), keywords in Polish and in English (3-8); (Times New Roman, 10, justified).
Introduction (Times New Roman, 12, left-aligned text).
Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Literature (centered).
The traditional division of a scientific article may be omitted in the case of a review publication.
Reference to the literature necessary in the case of referring to information from foreign sources, should be provided by giving the number of the bibliographic entry in square brackets, e.g. [1].
Tables, drawings and graphs formatting criteria
Arabic numerals, e.g. Table 1, Graph 1, Drawing 1. Description of the tables should be given above and drawings and graphs below the object. Titles of Charts, Graphs and Drawings should be provided in Polish and English. Font: Times New Roman, 11, left-aligned text. The content of Tables, Graphs and Drawings – font: Times New Roman, 10.
Bibliography requirements
Font for bibliography should be Times New Roman, 11, justified. Each entry should contain the author's name, title, publisher, place and year of publication or magazine name, year, number, and page numbers.
In the case of several items of the same author issued in the same year, the numbers should be supplemented with the consecutive letters of the alphabet. In the case of three or more names of authors of a publication, the first author should be mentioned, with the note "et al.". When the authors are two, both names are linked by the conjunction "and".
Reference list layout:
1. Books - surname and initials of the author's names, title of work, publishing house, place and year of publication, e.g.:
Piłatowska M., Modelowanie niestacjonarnych procesów ekonomicznych. Studium metodologiczne, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń 2002.
2. Chapters of books - surname and initials of the author's names, title of the chapter, [in:] title of work, (ed.) Initials of the name and surname of the scientific editor, publisher, place and year of publication, e.g.:
Mizon G.E., Progressive Modeling of Macroeconomic Time Series: The LSE Methodology, [in:] Macroeconomics: Developments, Tensions and Prospects, (ed.) K.D. Hoover, Kluver Academic Press, Dordrecht 2006.
3. Articles in journals - surname and initials of the author's names, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, volume and page numbers, eg:
Wiktorowska-Owczarek A., Przeciwutleniające właściwości pomidora (Lycopersicum esculentum L.), Postępy Fitoterapii, 2013, 3, pp. 195-199.
4. Websites - surname and initials of author's names, title of work, year of publication, e.g.:
Różański H., Taraxacum - mniszek w fitoterapii w świetle współczesnych badań; mniszek a nowotwory i wirusy – czyżby sprzyjał?!, 2009, (on 6th March)
Entries in the literature list should be ordered according to the order of the references in the text.
Further information
Mathematical symbols, Greek letters and foreign characters should be inserted only in accordance with the Unicode font table.
If you need to insert the text written in an alphabet different from Latin (Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew), use Unicode fonts.
Abbreviations should always be explained at the first appearance of the shortened term in the text (this also includes the abstract). Do not use abbreviations in the work title (only in exceptional cases).
The upper and lower indices should be formatted so that they are clearly visible (m2 , H2SO4).
Do not use the hyphenation algorithm (this feature should be disabled).
Use a uniform way of giving dates, for example, 17.01. 2010, or 17 January 2010.
Punctuation marks should be placed directly after the last letter / number; use space (correct: abc, bca) after the punctuation mark.
Use quotation marks: bottom-to-upper, without spaces between quotation marks and the text (correctly: „abc").
The article can be published on the condition that a written statement (Copyright Statement) is submitted that the author(s) owns the copyright to the text, tables, and drawings in the article. Authors are required to obtain prior written permission to use in the article any copyright material.
Taking into consideration the reliability of the published data about the author's contributions to the articles and to avoid the phenomenon of ghostwriting and guest authorship, authors are obliged, according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to show third parties in the process of article writing and individual contributions by giving their contribution in percentage share. In the case of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the Editorial Board will inform about this fact the research institution which employs the author, the association of which he or she is a member and other scientific centres and journal editors.
1. Ghostwriting takes place when contribution to the article was made by a person not mentioned on an authors' list or in acknowledgements.
2. Guest authorship occurs when an article was created without the participation of a person mentioned on the authors' list or this person contributed insignificantly to the publication.