
About the Journal


Dear All,

By introducing Herbalism to the Polish market, a new journal dedicated to herbal medicine, we hope that the subject matter proposed by the Editorial Board will be of interest to you and will receive a friendly welcome. We know that many people are interested in following the scientific and technological research in the field of herbalism and phytotherapy. People have been using plants for both eating and healing since the beginning of time. The development of chemical, pharmaceutical and medical science has led to a situation in which the information itself that something works is no longer enough. Scientists are studying and explaining the way the mechanisms work. We are witnessing the flourishing of phytochemicals, biochemistry and molecular biology. Interest in plant raw materials is also in line with the tendency of returning to nature and the choice of ecological solutions. These interests are connected with phytotherapy and phytocosmetology as well as the use of herbs in everyday life, e.g. in the kitchen. The growing public awareness of the plants medicinal properties and the demand for plant medicines affect the development of the herbal industry, which in turn is an opportunity to reduce unemployment in agriculture and to employ graduates of higher education institutions. According to international experts, Poland is considered to be a country with high potential for production of both high quality herbal raw materials and herbal processing. Medicinal plants plantations in Poland cover an area of over 30,000 hectares, and almost 70% of purchased herbal raw materials go to the domestic market for further processing, mainly for plant medicines and food products. The interest of the society in plants is not only limited to those from Poland, we are increasingly reaching for plants from distant countries. It is therefore necessary to popularize knowledge about the properties and application of those herbs.

The Herbalism journal can play a key part in the transfer and dissemination of knowledge between academic centres and the industry. We will publish articles on the study of the properties of plant materials from different continents, their composition, mechanism of action, and information on cultivation technology of herbal plants. It is crucial to show practical use of herbs in natural medicine, cosmetology or culinary arts. Furthermore, we want to publish articles about the history of herbalism and the famous people who created it, in this issue one can find information about Father Andrzej Klimuszko. This popular science journal is under the auspices of the Polish Society of Herbalists and Phytotherapists, which will take care of the high level of content and the relevance of the published reports. We hope that Herbalism will enable you to acquire the information you need, which is prepared by professionals for the broad group of readers.




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